3/27/2025, 12:01:25 AM.
As an innovator, Satya played a key role in changing the business & professional outlook of two of india’s rather World’s best known social organizations which had the first feeling of going in for a change-overs. Satya initiated far reaching changes in the otganisatiuon & brought tremendous glories. Known for a man of impeachable integrity & die hard professional, Satya dared the old order to change to adapt for the new challenges. Some of the key vibrations are:
• Spearheaded the communication & Media Relations initiatives aggressively backed by a strong team personally recruited by me & building the image of the organization & received much appreciations from the external stakeholders in general & Internal stakeholders in particular. Conceived & Organised under my Leadership the much hyped Event “India Leadership Conclave 2009” in association with NDTV PROFIT & DNA. Initiated a Social Revolution by Launching Jai Mumbai Programme in Mumbai with Bloomberg UTV & Hindustan Times. The PR image of the organization increased manifold by bringing many path-breaking initiatives for the first time in the organization
• The Bangalore based World’s Largest NGO – Run school Meal program feeding more than a million childrens a day’s Communication approach & Strategy was revamped & given a innovative look with the use of modern tools of IT & PR campaigns. Organised many Press Conferences highlighting the Organisation’s core strength to both internal & External Stakeholders. Was instrumental in getting Limca Book of Records & a letter of appreciation from President Barack Obama. Organised innovative Event in Bangalore, Mumbai & Bhubaneswar National Level Zero to Billion Programs. Conceptualized innovative web community members by using the power of Internet : Wockhardt Foundation to Create an Army of One Million Warriors for “Developed India: a Shared Dream”…Press Conference.
• Conceived & executed India Leadership Conclave 09, arguably India’s finest brainstorming Conclave in line with HT Leadership Summit which many thought that it was next to impossible. Roped in Bigwigs of Politics, Corporates, Academics, bureaucrats, Ambassadors, Media tycoons, Social activist.
Compelled ASSOCHAM & DNA as Co-Organisers
Corporate India witnessed the emergence 0f Wockhardt Foundation.
Historic Tie-up with Save The Children for extending our Program KKM to 150 Balwadis. Press Coverages were enough. Wockhardt Foundation to Set-Up Toy Libraries for Underprivileged Children across India
Tied up with Kingfisher & made everybody to go ILC 09 free of cost
Business Baron covered our energetic CEO on cover Page.
Tied up with Radio Mirchi to promote the event.
Vodafone caller tune conceived & executed.
Wockhardt Foundation became a registered Patron Member of ASSOCHAM.
Present warrior count 2698 against 1400 during my joining.
Conceived the Program Jai Mumbal under a hostile environment & executed with perfection with total control. www.jaimumbai.org
The Venue Taj was declined to all but was awarded to WF to host Jai Mumbai with my interference.
Extensive Coverages : Radio, Print, Bloomberg UTV, Online, wire etc.
Hindustan Times Ad appeared to promote Jai Mumbai worth 20 Lacs free of cost.
Kingfisher sponsored 2 Lacs Air Account.
Hoarding & 2000 Buses + 1500 Digital screens used to promote Jai Mumbai.
Tisca, Jackie Shroff, Javed Jaferry graced the occasion FREE OF COST.
Wockhardt Foundation separate office was created.
Recruited & inducted all Staff to spearhead Foundation.